Lulu Craig Collier Scholarship

The following criteria must be met:
1. The recipient(s) must be a high school graduating senior from Coles County, Illinois and be in the upper 25% of his/her graduating class.
2. The recipient(s) must upload an essay indicating that they will be attending Eastern Illinois University the earliest semester possible.
3. A recommendation from the High School Principal must be submitted.
4. The scholarship is awarded to a single recipient for a maximum of two semesters and is issued for Fall and Spring semesters to be applied to tuition and fees only.
5. The scholarship will be announced in the Spring Semester and awarded the following Fall/Spring Semesters.

This award is for tuition and fees only and may be adjusted after Count Day when tuition and fee costs are confirmed based on your enrolled hours.
Awards are typically a minimum of $2,000+ per recipient.

Eastern Illinois University - General, Student Affairs
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you an incoming Freshman to Eastern Illinois University?
  2. Are you in the upper 25% of your high school graduating class?
  3. Please upload an essay including 1) What are your academic achievements and educational plans, 2) Please list your extra-curricular or community activities, 3) How do you plan to finance the cost of college, 4) Who or what has influenced your decision to attend EIU and why, and 5) Please state in writing your intent to enroll at Eastern Illinois University.
  4. Please submit the name and email of your principal whom you have asked to send a reference on your behalf.