Benjamin Weir - Eugene Waffle Journalism Award

For Journalism majors pursuing a journalism career. Requires 80 credit hours, above-average GPA, sample of work for EIU student publications.

Full description:
The following criteria must be met:

  1. The award recipient shall be majoring in journalism.
  2. The recipient must have at least 80 hours at the close of the semester of their selection.
  3. The recipient must have a GPA that is above average for the University student body as a whole.
  4. The recipient must be able to show proof of significant work on one or more of the Student Publications.
  5. The recipient must state their intent to enter the Journalism profession.

This award shall be announced in the Spring and awarded in the following Fall semester.

Eastern Illinois University - General, Journalism
Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you intend to enter the journalism profession?
  2. Are you active in student publications at EIU?
  3. You may provide a sample of your work on student publications at EIU.