Boys/Girls State Scholarship

For incoming first-year students who participated in Boys or Girls State Program at EIU. Requires letter of reference from principal.

The American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Girls State are summer leadership and citizenship programs for high school juniors, which focus on exploring the mechanics of American government and politics. The programs are sponsored by the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary respectively.

The following criteria must be met:

  1. Available to incoming first-year students who participated in the “Boys/Girls” State Program at EIU during the summer season.
  2. The winning recipients must be planning to attend EIU during their first-year in the fall term.
  3. This application requires applicants to enter their principal’s name and email. The principal will be emailed and requested to answer some questions on the student’s behalf. Students should ask their principal to serve as a reference before submitting this application.

This scholarship is non-renewable.
This award is announced in the Summer or Fall previous to the Fall and Spring in which the award pays.

Eastern Illinois University - General, Financial Aid & Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Did you attend Boys or Girls State?
  2. Please submit the name and email of your principal whom you have asked to send a reference on your behalf.