Kenneth E. and Donelda A. Damann Aquatic Ecology Award

The following criteria must be met:
1. The Award recipient shall be an undergraduate majoring in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, or other fields related to Aquatic Ecology, doing supervised research, independent study, an internship, etc. in aquatic biology/ecology.
2. The annual award will be given to the authors (1 male, 1 female) of the top aquatic research papers submitted.
3. The recipient shall have superior research and writing skills, as seen in their final papers.

This award shall be announced and paid in the Spring semester.

Kenneth E. and Donelda A. Damann Aquatic Ecology Award
Biological Sciences, Eastern Illinois University - General
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload your research paper or abstract from conference presentation (poster or oral) on the topic of aquatic biology/ecology.
  2. Are you participating in supervised research, independent study, and/or an internship in aquatic biology/ecology?