Dr. William Bailey Fund

The following criteria must be met:
1. The recipient(s) must be a full-time student at Eastern Illinois University.
2. The recipient(s) must be a declared major in Psychology.
3. The recipient(s) must be a Junior, Senior, or graduate student at the time of award.
4. The recipient(s) must work closely with Psychology faculty on research projects
5. Preference shall be given to the student(s) who is likely to publish an article or present a paper at a professional meeting in collaboration with Psychology faculty.

This award will be announced in the Fall and paid in the Spring Semester.

Eastern Illinois University - General, Psychology
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please submit an essay describing your current or upcoming research project that you are working in collaboration with a faculty member in the Department of Psychology.
  2. Are you preparing to publish an article or present a paper at a professional meeting in collaboration with a faculty member in the Department of Psychology?
  3. Please provide the name of the faculty member you are working with.
  4. Give a brief description of the goal/purpose of the study, the research questions or predictions, the method of research, and the timeline for accomplishing the project.
  5. Please describe your plans for using the scholarship if you are awarded it.