Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (URSCA)

To support the University’s mission of fostering opportunities for student-faculty scholarship, the Sandra and Jack Pine Honors College offers undergraduates the opportunity to apply for competitive funding to promote their research, scholarship, and creative activities.

Student research and creative activity that has been funded has gone on to be presented at regional and national discipline-specific meetings or at meetings of the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR).

Applicants must be undergraduate students in good standing with a minimum 3.00 GPA and enrolled full-time for the current semester AND the semester in which the research/creative activity is to be conducted. For Summer awards, students must be enrolled in at least one class. For Fall and Spring awards, students must work with a faculty mentor on an independent project. Research must be completed and the summary reflection submitted to the Honors College prior to the end of the semester following the one for which the grant was awarded. Students do not need to be part of the Honors College to apply.

Once the student submits the name and email address of their faculty sponsor, the sponsor will receive a recommendation form with the following questions:

Briefly provide your comments about the student’s proposed research or creative activity, including an assessment of the validity of the project design.
Explain why you believe the student will be successful in carrying out this proposed project, bearing in mind that the student is primarily responsible for the actual execution of the activity and preparation of the Summary Reflection. Please include comments on the student’s communication skills.

For more information visit: https://www.eiu.edu/honors/URSCA.php

Eastern Illinois University - General, Honors College
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please provide the name and email address of your faculty sponsor for submission of the faculty sponsor recommendation form.
  2. What is the number and name of the research course you intend to take in the next academic term and what is the proposed title of your project?
    • For summer research projects only, what is the number and name of the research course you are taking over the summer?
    • What is the proposed title of your project?
  3. Proposal Details:

    You must upload a Word-compatible document (.doc, .docx, .rtf) responding to the questions below. Documents not in this format will not be accepted.

    Because you are being evaluated by faculty from diverse fields, please avoid jargon in your response. Respond to all questions as clearly as possible. Your faculty sponsor should review this document before you upload it. The document should be in 12-point font with 1-inch margins, and must not exceed three pages. You may include images or additional appendices if needed.

    Proposals that are incomplete or more than three pages in length will not be reviewed.

    Please name the file as follows – Your last name_Proposal_MonthYr.docx – or, for example, Smith_Proposal_Sept13.docx

    In your document, please use your name and project title as a header. Paste the questions into the document, and respond to each. For research projects use questions R1-R5. For creative activities, use questions C1-C5.

    Research Project Questions

    • R1: Briefly describe your proposed research project (e.g., purpose, hypothesis, research goals).
    • R2: Describe the method to be used in the proposed research project including an evaluation of the data. Include a project timeline.
    • R3: How will this research contribute to the existing knowledge in the field of study?
    • R4: What background and skills qualify you to successfully complete this project? How does this project develop/strengthen your professional skills?
    • R5: Indicate a budget for the project. Specify a plan for the dissemination of the results from this project. (Note: NCUR travel is funded separately from this award, so please do not include that as a category of expenditure.)

    Creative Activity Questions

    • C1. Briefly summarize your intentions in this creative activity. Include a statement of what artistic or other type of ‘discoveries’ are expected from this project.
    • C2. What steps will you take to implement and complete this project? Include a project timeline with approximate dates during which you will carry out part of the project.
    • C3. Place this creative activity in the context of current and historical trends within the creative discipline.
    • C4. What background and skills qualify you to successfully complete this project? How does this project develop/strengthen your professional skills?
    • C5. Please give a budget for the project. Indicate a specific plan for disseminating the results of this project. (Note: NCUR travel is funded separately from this award, so please do not include that as a category of expenditure.)
  4. Submission of this form indicates that you have read, understand, and agree to conditions of the award as well as information concerning the disbursement of awards. Do you agree?